2023年12月4日早上10:00,数字技术与经济金融前沿论坛(第24期)顺利举行。本次讲座主题为“Managing a bankruptcy protection applicationwith the aid of Parasian or Parisian options”,主讲嘉宾为澳大利亚伍伦贡大学Song-Ping Zhu 教授。讲座由数字技术与现代金融学科创新引智基地执行副主任、金融学院孙宪明副教授主持,基地副主任吕勇斌、基地研究员及金融学院研究生参加讲座。
讲座开始,孙宪明副教授向参会人员简要介绍了Song-Ping Zhu 教授相关信息,并对其能够在百忙之中为我院开展讲座表示由衷的感谢。
讲座期间,Song-Ping Zhu 教授以“中国恒大集团在美国纽约申请破产保护”这一事件为例,详细讲解了如何正确理解带有退出选项的破产保护申请。
最后,参会人员与Song-Ping Zhu教授进行了积极的学术交流,共同针对讲座主题进行学术探讨,Song-Ping Zhu教授针对师生们的疑问和困惑进行了细致的解答。孙宪明副教授对Song-Ping Zhu教授的演讲表达了感谢,本期论坛圆满结束。
Dr. Song-Ping Zhu is a Senior Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He graduated from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.) with a PhD degree in December 1987. Having published over 200 papers in international journals and conference proceedings and attracted over $2M funding supports from ARC (Australian Research Council) and private industries, his research work has been recognized both nationally and internationally (ISI Web of Science shows that his total citation number is over 2000 with an H-Index of 27). In his entire teaching and research career, he has successfully supervised many PhD students and postdocs. He has also organized two international conferences as well as being invited speakers at several international conferences.