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基地研究员何恭政副教授合作论文在重要学术期刊International Review of Financial Analysis发表
发布时间:2023-09-26 15:35:00 浏览次数:1566

地研究员何恭政副教授与合作者(Cheng Zhang, School of Economics, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics; Cheng Yan,  Essex Business School, Essex University; Yujing Gong, Wenlan School of Business, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)的论文 "Societal trust and firm-level trust: Substitute or complement? An international evidence" 在重要学术期刊International Review of Financial Analysis在线发表。


      Using an international sample of 30,060 observations of firms from 32 countries, covering the period from 2004 to 2018, combined with a country-level index for societal trust, this study provides evidence that societal trust is negatively associated with corporate social responsibility (CSR), which in turn is a proxy for firm-level corporate trust-building investment. Further analyses show that firms in low-trust countries tend to invest more in CSR when they are owned by large foreign shareholders originating from low-trust countries. The negative impact of societal trust on CSR is pronounced for firms located in less stable countries. Overall, the results suggest that societal trust acts as a substitute to firm-level trust. From the perspective of risk management, the results confirm this study's argument that the marginal benefits of CSR-as-insurance are more crucial for firms located in low-trust countries.

 Keywords:Societal trust; CSR; Social capital; Risk management


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何恭政,男,台湾元智大学博士,金融学硕士生导师,金融工程学硕士生导师。主要研究方向为公司金融、信用风险管理、企业社会责任、信息不对称风险与跨交叉学科研究,在Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Corporate   Governance: An International Review, Emerging Markets Review, Energy   Economics, International Review of Economics & Finance, International   Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance,   Journal of Business Research, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of   Forecasting, Pacific-Baisn Finance Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance   and Accounting等国际SSCI期刊发表40多篇,其中包含ABS商学院4星级期刊1篇,三星级期刊12篇,SSCI一区期刊17篇。此外,在国内外数十场重要学术会议进行论文宣讲,包含中国金融年会、中国金融工程年会、中国管理学年会、CICF, American Accounting Association, Asian Finance Association, European Finance Association, Europe Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association, Taiwan Management Institute, Western Economic Association International等。此外,为国内外二十多家期刊进行审稿,包含Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Economic Modelling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Financial Innovation, Investment Analysts Journal, International Journal of   Emerging Markets, International Review of Economics and Finance, Managerial   and Decision Economics等。